煩悩 5/108 ★動画あり


煩悩 5/108 苦締疑 『正しいことを疑う』

「正しいことを疑う」とは、 仏教の教えや真実を信じられない心の状態を指します。

例えば、よい行いをすれば良い結果が返ってくる という教えを信じず、



仏教では、この迷いを取り除き、信じる心を持つことが 大切とされています。

この言葉から、 私たちは たくさんの情報が溢れる世界に生きている からこそ、

正しいことを「取捨選択」する力が必要だ、 という事を感じました。


動画はYoutubeチャンネル 『 心整う 瞑想書道アート』をご覧ください!(^-^)

To “doubt what is right.”

It refers to the state of mind that does not believe in the teachings and truths of Buddhism. For example, it is a state of mind in which one does not believe in the teaching that good deeds will bring good results, and feels lost and insecure. and feel lost and insecure. This doubt prevents us from following the right path. In Buddhism, it is important to remove this doubt and to have faith. and having faith is important. From these words, We are living in a world with a lot of information. We are living in a world full of information, so we need to have the ability to “select and choose” what is right, I felt that we are living in a world full of information and that we need to have the ability to “select” what is right. I would like to take these words to heart and enhance my own strength.

