煩悩 9/108 ★動画あり


煩悩 9/108 苦締見取見(くたいけんしゅけん)


動画はYoutubeチャンネル 『 心整う 瞑想書道アート』をご覧ください!(^-^)

One of the “vexations” is “kudaimiken,” which simply means the state of being unaware of one’s own mistakes and assuming that they are correct.
For example, in our daily lives, we sometimes assume that we “have to be this way” about something.For example, we think, “I must always be patient,” or “It is weak to depend on someone else.We believe these beliefs to be “right” and are stuck with them.
The “Kijimi-Dorimi” teaches us the importance of reexamining our beliefs and having a flexible mind.One of the “vexations” is “kudaimiken,” which simply means the state of being unaware of one’s own mistakes and assuming that they are correct.
For example, in our daily lives, we sometimes assume that we “have to be this way” about something.For example, we think, “I must always be patient,” or “It is weak to depend on someone else.We believe these beliefs to be “right” and are stuck with them.
The “Kijimi-Dorimi” teaches us the importance of reexamining our beliefs and having a flexible mind.

